Monday 5 January 2015

Saag Paneer!

Hello Splodgies! 

Many of you who know me well will know that I'm a big fan of saag paneer. In fact, on more than one occasion, gone and got a saag paneer on a night out/evening when I was already doing something. The best of which was definitely the most recent time when Troy and I left the blues jam session to pop to The Sultan for a quick saag paneer. And a samosa. And a mango lassi. Ok, so we had our dinner there, but it was quite late. And we came back to the pub after! 

Anyway if you didn't know my fondness for saag paneer you do now! And today I finally got around to making it for myself PROPERLY! 

And because I am of the generation that uses phones for this sort of thing, I took a step-by-step process in pictures: 

It was super delish- I had it with a mini naan! Though next time I make it (which, let's face it, will probably be tomorrow) I will use A LOT LESS ginger, and a lot more salt. Because I forgot to put any salt in at all today. And salt is super important for flavour. Not for the flavour of salt, but for bringing out all the yummy flavours in all my vegetables and spices :) 

Although I feel as a *ahem* public figure; I should probably make this PSA for people to remember to wash their hands after cooking with chillies. I was in such a hurry to eat my lovely saag paneer that I forgot to wash my hands and later went to rub my eyes- and well... it was a big mistake. Please people, use chillies with caution ;) or you'll end up with a lot of eye pain!!

Today, this is me (pre-chillies incident):

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. PSA
    If you get chili in your eyes wash them out with yoghurt
    As the hotness is fat soluble
