Friday 2 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions!

Hello lovely splodgie people!

I've been off for a little bit, but I'm back now! Did I miss anything huge? let me know, peeps!! 

A long looooong time ago I made a New Year's resolution- I would've been about seventeen at the time- to never again make another new years resolution, for a couple of reasons:

1) I didn't think you should need the new year to happen for you to make positive changes in your life

2) I'm lazy. 

So I surprised myself this year by breaking the habit I've had for so many years and deciding that this year I am going to learn to drive. Scary! But I'm going to do it anyway. I'm also resolving some less drastic things like taking better care of my immune system, going back to America for a bit, and finally getting around to having that eye operation. 

So many people make new years resolutions like "I'm going to eat more healthily" or "I'm going to lose weight" or "I'm going to quite smoking" - and these are all legitimately good ideas for making positive changes within your life. But they are all setting out from a stand point of "I am doing something wrong currently" which is something I don't think applies to not currently being a driver. 

Skills are something that I think are indispensable. I feel like the more skills I have, the more useful I can be. And even if my skills are not useful to a specific situation, at least I can teach someone something fun, like how to fold a paper crane or how to play the ukulele. 

If nothing else, we could all use more skills. And I feel like perhaps this is something I should resolve to do every year- to learn a new, practical skill. Even if it is something like juggling- whilst it's not as useful as driving, it can't hurt to know how to juggle! But that's for 2016. Rosa of 2015 is going to learn to drive. Vroom vroom! 

What are your new years resolutions? Let me know in the comments! I've missed hearing from you! 

Today, this is me trying to catch my lil' bro in today's picture: 

please excuse the redness of my face- having been doing some walking in lots of high wind recently and being in prolonged proximity to a dog, I've had some trouble with my skin the last few days. I'm working on it though, chums! 

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to learn to drive this year too! also I want to learn French again, and eventually Danish too (one of them might have to wait till 2016 ha)
