Monday 26 January 2015

Music and Radio (And the mystery of the light)

Hello Splodgies! 

Recently I've been trying to broaden my musical horizons beyond the sorts of things I normally listen to. I've been asking some friends for recommendations and so on. Ideally the way to do this would be via radio- because you can tune into the sorts of shows you like and hone your tastes that way.

The trouble is that I loathe the charts, and general BBC Radio 1 stuff, and I'm totally out of the demographic for BBC Radio 2. BBC Radio 3 is classical music mostly and not my thing. And BBC Radio 4, whilst I love it, is not a music station. Anything beyond radio 4 for BBC radio requires a DAB Digital radio. Something I don't currently own. However, I went around sainsbury's today whilst looking for some superior quality paneer and have a look at their digital radios so that I could tune into BBC Radio 6 music- because I've given it a try a few times and I quite liked their output. I was glad that I didn't but the £58.99 radios because I bought this refurbished one on eBay for £12:

My top three times for listening to the radio are:

  1. Whilst having a lie in
  2. Whilst having a shower
  3. Whilst cooking. 
Because these are all things where I like to be doing something and not being disturbed until I am ready to get along with the rest of my day.

With regards to the second part of the title of this post, when I arrived back from Lancaster this evening and walked along the hallway to my room, there was a light coming from under the door of the other bedroom on this floor- which had been vacated since the middle of December. I went downstairs to put my paneer in the fridge [I have literally just remembered that I didn't pick up that jar of marmalade that my mum left for me after we made some at the weekend. Sorry Ruthie! xx] and I asked them if we had a new housemate. They said they hadn't realised so we all went upstairs to introduce ourselves- we knocked on the door but nobody answered. We assumed that whoever was in there was asleep or had headphones on, so we went back downstairs and carried on with whatever it was we were doing before. The next time I went past the door the light was gone. I sent the landlord a text message to ask if we had a new housemate- but he said we hadn't, and seemed as perplexed as the rest of us. I wasn't the only person who had seen the light coming under the door, so who was in there? And if there really wasn't anybody in the room, then where had the light come from? This could be added to the list of strange things that have happened in the house recently- two of my bowls and one of my knives have gone missing recently. I asked my housemates and one of the bowls is now accounted for but the rest is a mystery...

 -insert X Files theme tune here-

What do you think? Is someone stowing away in one of the spare rooms at my house? Is there particular radio station you'd recommend for someone looking to get into new types of music? Let me know in the comments! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for getting a digital radio! It is easy to flick between stations while cooking or whatever. Planet Rock is the main one I listen to and it has really got me into classic rock. The various Absolute Radio stations are good for the more rock side of mainstream pop. I've just started listening to the Punk Show on Sunday nights on Team Rock Radio too. You should also listen to the playlist I'm making for you (once I've sent you a link)!
    As for the mysterious light, could it have been the sunset shining through a window in that room? Perhaps it would only be visible through the crack under the door when the sun is bright and at a particular angle. - Lauren x
