Saturday 24 January 2015

Lancaster Again

Hello Splodgies! 

Today, I got up at a time that I had forgotten exists- known to lots of people as 5.30am. Having got in much later than usual from work (I got the last bus home from Keswick) I had only a few hours sleep. "But Rosa, why would you choose to get up at 5.30am on a Saturday?! Moreover, on a Saturday that you weren't working on?"I hear you cry. And the answer is because I wanted to get a train that would allow me to meet Bernadette and Persephone and Lauren at 11.30! The next train would've been too late because of stupidity on behalf of the people who schedule trains. The train I did catch got me in for just after 9, so I was able to go home for a little sleep and then some breakfast before meeting my friends:

While I was oot and aboot I went to try on lots of different pairs of glasses because at some point in the future, I'm supposed to have an eye operation, and when that's all done with I wanted to get some new glasses. I was thrilled to find gruffalo glasses, but the optician dispensing assistant wasn't thrilled to be asked if the gruffalo specs came in adult sizes..

This evening me and a bunch of folk went to see Birdman. I thought it was really good, but the general consensus amongst our group was that it was too much thinking required and some pretention in there. I thought it was great though! I would definitely recommend people go and see it :) 

Tonight, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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