Monday 19 January 2015

Train Mis-haps and Appreciations.

Hello my dear chums! 

Today I went for lunch with my mum and my brother at the Whale Tail; long time hippy hang out for the vegetarian and vegan population of Lancaster. It is now an extremely trendy place to be- note the differences between hippies and hipsters. Both are now congregating in the Whale Tail frequently. You could say that both groups are frequenting it. The Whale Tail has been a key location for many events of my childhood. And I love it. I hope it stays there forever! 

When I'd done a few jobs in town, gone to see my pals at Oxfam who I'd not seen in a while and gone back home to get my things, Linden (lil bro) came to the train station with me to catch my train. Because we were quite early and I was feeling kind, I got us both a coffee and we went over to the platform. No sooner had I got to the bottom of the stairs, I said to Linden "Oh shit... I've left my headphones behind!" and he (also very kindly) said he'd run back and get them, as I had a lot of stuff and we don't live that far from the train station. 

No sooner had he headed off though, I realised that I'd also left my laptop charger plugged in next to my bed. If Linden had had a working phone, then I would've just called him as he was on his way back to ask him to get the laptop charger too. Unfortunately for us both he did not have a working phone. My best chance was to call the house phone repeatedly and hope that he picked up whilst he was in the house. 

I rang no fewer tan 23 times, but sadly he had deemed the call not important enough to pick up given that he was in a hurry to get back to the station before my train arrived. He arrived in time for me to get the train I was originally going to catch, looking very pleased and carrying my headphones. I handed him back his coffee and said "thank you!....but I'm not getting this train..." before explaining what had happened to him. Because he was being kind, he went back to get the charger too in time for me to get the next train. 

I'm so pleased that I have a kind brother. And also that the train I was going to get in the first place was not the last train I could get, but the penultimate one. And I'm also pleased that my hand is healing and it is no longer uncomfortable to play ukulele with all my usual enthusiasm. And I am glad that I am slowly but surely improving my posture. And I am glad that I like my job and my work. And I am glad that I will be going back to Lancaster next weekend and that there are actual legit plans for that weekend. Feeling like a sentimental lentil, to borrow a phrase from Troy.

What sorts of things have made you glad today? Let me know in the comments, spread your love and appreciation for the good things in your life! 

Today, this is me:

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