Friday 9 January 2015

Day off, evening on

Hello Splodgies! 

This is quite a late night post! I've been home from work about an hour now, and for the next six weeks or so, I'll be posting late on friday nights. 

I've had a really strange day- I wasn't working until the evening today, so I was a little bit of a loss as to what to do with my day. I felt super lazy if I was to sleep all day, so I did have a little bit of a lie in but I got up at about 9. 

Then I sat down with some coffee and toast and put on my totoro hoodie and watched the Totoro DVD that arrived yetsterday- I had forgotten that Totoro makes a sound a bit like a baer, so I nearly jumped out of my skin! But it was all lovely. If you've not seen that film and you're feeling like watching something fairly gentle (you might watch it if you were home alone and feeling unwell, perhaps) you should give it a go! ...I've just realised I've not played ukulele all day. How weird. Well it's too late now, I don't want to wake anybody up! 

Guys, I'm so sleepy... I think I'm just gonna go to sleep! I'm sorry I haven't had much more to say. I had a really great evening though!

Today, this is me, waiting for the bus in the not-very-effect-shelter that is the bus station:

See you tomorrow!

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