Tuesday 6 January 2015

Spider In The Bath!

Hello Splodgies! 

Recently, there's been a little guest in my house! This guy! 

I dunno how long he's been there... 2 days maybe? I hope he's finding his bath vacation fun! Whenever I see a spider in the bath, it makes me think of this old tv show from my childhood: 

Which, to me begged several questions including but not limited to:

  1. Why is the spider so happy all the time when he's constantly falling over or into things? 
  2. Where do you buy wellies and roller skates for spiders?
  3. How come nobody is freaking out about this MAHOOSIVE spider? 
  4. Do spiders even have lungs to blow balloons up with? 
  5. What are the lyrics to this catchy music? 

I'm feeling a little sorry for the spider in the bath in my house. From now on, I shall refer to him as Herbert. Herbert has been there a little while and there really isn't a huge amount to do in the bath. At home (Home with a capital H, in Lancaster) we used to have a little device to help the spiders get out of the bath. A tiny little rope ladder, of the kind seen in Indiana Jones movies, but scaled down for spiders to get out of the bath. The idea was that you tied one end around the taps, so that in the event some little arachnid like Herbert came exploring where it wasn't really a great idea to explore, they'd be able to get out without too much trouble. 

I can't really remember what happened to the spider-ladder in the end. I think what is most likely is that we forgot/didn't bother to remove the ladder whilst using the bath (for this was from the era when it was the way most of us got clean, before we had a shower fit for regular use by six people) and then it probably got damp and mouldy and had to be thrown away. Now that we have what I consider to be an extremely luxurious shower upstairs, our bath is usually filled with bits and pieces and all manner of junk that Herbert and his spidery friends and family could climb over to get out of the bath.

If Herbert is still in the bath in the morning, I shall construct a make-shift spider-ladder out of toilet paper and hope that will do the job just as well. It's not like toilet paper is as slippy and smooth as the sides of a bath, so Herbert should be able to go home soon. I'll keep you posted.

Ever had to get a spider out of the bath?? Let me know what happened!

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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