Tuesday 27 January 2015

Further Spooky Happenings In My House

Hello Splodgies! 

Those of you who read yesterday's blog will have read about the odd stuff happening in my house over the past couple of days. 

Today I was a little flustered when I came in because shortly before I arrived home I received a phone call from the Sainsbury's delivery driver asking if he had the right house because nobody was answering the door. I told him I'd be 2 minutes as I was only one street away.

Once all the business of getting the shopping put away was all done, I came upstairs and saw FURTHER SIGNS OF CREEPINESS. 

Firstly, the door to the suspected occupied room was wedged open. This was strange, because last night it had been locked. It wasn't wedged open with a door wedge or a bin or anything normal- no. In the gap between the door and the door frame was... an iron. Not only that, but the net curtain on the window on the landing right outside my own door was tied in a knot. In addition to this, in my bathroom (I say "my" because I'm the only one who uses it at the moment. Though we're all allowed to use all the bathrooms, it makes sense that we primarily use the ones that are on the same floors as our bedrooms) my conditioner, had been moved from the shelf in the shower that it normally sits on, to the floor of the shower. This shouldn't ever need doing, even if someone is cleaning the shower. Furthermore, a mysterious bottle of mint and tea tree shower gel has appeared on the corner of the bath. 

....any ideas what these things are indicative of? 

The landlord texted me again and told me categorically that there shouldn't be anybody living in the room on the middle floor across from mine and asked me to check out what was going on. I took the keys from the previous tenant that had been on the kitchen table since he moved out and went and looked- I was slightly terrified, being the only person in the house at that point and having forgotten to take anything with me should I potentially need to defend myself. When I opened the door and turned on the light, there was nobody to be seen. But the wardrobe was taunting me with it's closed doors and there was a pretty big space behind the bed where someone could've hidden. Thankfully, nobody was hiding in either of those places. I searched through the drawers too, to see if someone had been there recently and left anything behind. All I found there were two biros and a key. 

The biros were uninteresting and I won't mention them again. The key however seemed to match the one for the front door. Which I found very fishy. I explained what had happened and he told me to lock the room and keep hold of the keys. Also to find out who had been ironing in there, although I don't think anyone had been ironing in there because I never iron my clothes, and the other two who live here have their own irons, neither of which were the one being used to prop open the door. 

One possible explanation is that the person who cleans the house sometimes had been there that day, but usually when this happens there is a strong smell of bleach when I get home. There was no such smell today, nor was there any sign of any cleaning having been done. I suggested this to the landlord and he didn't indicate that the cleaner was supposed to be coming today. 

A second explanation is that it could be one of my housemates- but this is unlikely, as one of them never comes upstairs because all his things are downstairs and he has no reason to come upstairs. The other housemate is away. 

...it's all a mystery!! Has anyone got any suggestions as to what they think it might be?? Or better still, know some quick to learn ninja techniques?

I'm now going to lock my door and go to sleep. 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!


  1. My money is on the cleaner hypothesis
    If you lock your door leave the key in the lock!
