Thursday 22 January 2015

It's ridiculous how beautiful it is where I work

Hello Splodgies! 

Today, before lunch, but after our morning session, Jenn and I went for a trundle outside because it was such a nice say. It would've been a shame to waste the weather! And here's what we saw: 

It was a very still, very cold, very crisp day. Except that when you're standing in the sunshine, it's not THAT cold. That last picture was taken with my sunglasses over the lens of the camera on my phone, because it was waaaaay too bright to take any pictures. I was surprised how well it worked, and then lent my shades to a man who was doing the same thing as me- taking pictures with a smartphone. All in all, I've had a super great day! I hope the weather stays as still as this tomorrow as I'm going back to Keswick tomorrow too! 

Today, this is me: 

flippin' heck I look pale! it's a trick of the light :P 

See you tomorrow!

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