Thursday 8 January 2015

Recycling - it's really not that hard.

Hello Splodgies! 

Today, I bought a second bin to put in out kitchen for the recycling. I'm not sure who it is, but I've found over the past few weeks and months that despite having the purple recycling sacks right next to the regular bin, I keep finding perfectly recyclable things in the regular bin. So I decided to make it really really easy and get another receptacle for the recycling. It's literally so simple a dog could do it. And I suppose it does make things a bit tidier. 

But as I sit here on this windy, noisy evening, I have to ask- when it is something so easy to do, and so beneficial to the planet, why would someone actively choose not to recycle things?? It baffles me. Whilst I was in America, I found that many people would throw recyclable things away with the rest of the rubbish, despite having all the recycling bins in a line, and having to take about half a step further to help save the planet.

Mid-blogpost writing, I thought to myself "I wonder if anyone has put the bin or the recycling out- its been a very long time since our rubbish was collected because nobody else bothers to find out when the collections are" So I went down to check and sure enough, there was the bin and the recycling still in the back yard by the door, so heroically, I donned my hoodie over my pyjamas and put some shoes on and went out in gale force winds to wrestle with the gate, pull about a month's worth of rubbish outside and then go back for the recycling. Although to be honest, my main motivation for this was that out wheelie bin was already overflowing and there'd be another fortnight before it was collected again...! 

Today, this is me: 

...chewing a stylus. No biggie. 

See you tomorrow!

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