Tuesday 20 January 2015

Grateful for a stranger's honesty

Hello splodgy chums! 

Today as I was wondering aimlessly around home bargains in the hope that I would remember what it was that I had forgotten I needed to get in town before I went home today, a teenage boy came up to me and started to say something. I was wearing my headphones so I hadn't heard what he'd said. In the end he managed to tell me that my backpack was wide open and "your purse and keys and everything are one show" so I muttered a thank you, zipped up my bag and walked away. 

But I was thinking... they (he and his friend) could've just pinched my stuff and I would've assumed that I'd dropped it or it had fallen out of my bag. So... I guess I'm just grateful that it didn't fall out between the office and being at home bargains, and that someone decided to actually inform me that there was a problem. Frequently I see this sort of thing happen and nobody intervenes- often I will try to intervene if it doesn't look like I will be making the problem worse, but in my case I was very clearly dawdling around absent mindedly. So thank you, child! Whoever you are! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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