Wednesday 14 January 2015

Down with the kids

Hello splodgies! 

Some of you might know that from time to time, I work with young people. Which often makes me feel like I must seem like this to them: 

And obviously, I'm not as old as this dude, who's name currently escapes me. But to those young people I work with, I seem like a genuine, proper, legit adult.  Which obviously I'm not. For examples of my childishness, see yesterdays blog, of have a conversation with me about the word "spelk". 

But at the same time, I couldn't help but be impressed by the vast majority of these kids, simply for the amount they retain in their brains! 

To cut a long waffle short, kids are really smart. Like, super massive smart. Don't underestimate them. 

I was planning to write about this properly but I just saw the time and I really have to go to bed so that I've had enough sleep before I have to get up for work in the morning. 

Today, this is me having been extremely rained on and windswept despite having a lift home. This is what the weather between the car and my front door did to me: 

See you tomorrow!

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