Saturday 10 January 2015

Who the hell is Billy?!

Hello Splodgies!! 

Today, something strange happened. On my hash brown mission (which basically meant me going out in what was literally a gale, to go and get some hash browns), a woman got out of her car, ran towards me and said "Can you tell me where the bowling alley is?" I had to ask her to repeat herself as I was in the process of taking off my headphones when she first spoke, but once I understood what she wanted all I could say was "I didn't know we had a bowling alley here... I'm semi-new!" 

But that wasn't the only strange thing that happened. When I got back, there were two teenage girls (one of whom looked extremely cross, the other mildly embarrassed to be in the company of her friend) on my doorstep. I was half tempted to walk on as if I didn't live in that house, but then considered that if I had walked round the block they might still be there when I got back. And the weather was being really windy and I didn't want to stay out in it any longer than was necessary. So the conversation went like this

Me: Um... can I help you? I live here. This is my house.

Girl 1 (looking very angry): Is Billy in?

Me: What? Billy who? 

Girl 1 (getting all up in my grill): Does Billy live here? 

Me: No. I don't think anyone called Billy has lived here...maybe not ever. You've got the wrong house, mate. 

Girl 2: I told you it was the wrong house

Girl 1: Shut up. Phone Billy.

Girl 2: YOU phone Billy! 

Girl 1 (to me): Get out of the way.

she shoves past me and goes around the corner of the street. Girl 2 looks apologetic, but says nothing and goes after her. 

...I have no idea who Billy is, but with that kind of lack of manners for another human being, who was just trying to help it's no wonder Billy seems to have given the wrong address, perhaps on purpose. I don't really know what I can do to avoid this situation in the future. I have no idea who these girls were, or who Billy was. I knew that Billy wasn't someone who had previously lived in this house, beause all the post we get for previous tenants is for people who have names that are not Billy.  It kinda makes me wonder how many people have lived in this house before me! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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