Sunday 18 January 2015

Mug Cuts

Hello Splodgies!! 

Today, my parents and I did the whole thing with the mugs that my mum has wanted to do for a long time. We've had the same 15 or so mugs in circulation for as long as I can remember, and my mum has had this dream that one day she will own a cupboard full of cups that she actually likes. So at first we had "weekend mugs" mugs that we would buy whenever we went away on holiday, usually bought in pairs. These live in their own little special space on some shelves near where we usually keep plates and glasses on the other side of the room. 

Regular use mugs, have recently receive an upgrade however! Take a look at these beauts! 

You can't really tell in this picture but at the base of the handles they all have an animal. I think we have three cows, a sheep, and a pig in this collection. 

Bonus photo of my dad pouring milk from one bottle into another, because one bottle is better than the other and more "authentic". 

...just kidding. It was because some of the milk was frozen. And some of it was not. Hence, two receptacles needed. 

Anyway, these were all the mugs that needed sorting: 

Anyone who's ever had a cup of tea at my house will recognise the vast majority of these. We sorted through and divided into 

"Mugs we want to keep in the cupboard"
"Mugs that are too chipped and cracked to use except as pen pots" and
"Mugs that we will only pull out for emergencies

...I don't really know what these emergencies might be, but something was mentioned about having a large number of people and if they were all outside and all needed a cup of tea at exactly the same time. Probably the same occasion at which they would actually use that giant metal teapot they have on the kitchen windowsill that is significantly bigger than my entire head. 

We cleaned out the whole cupboard in the end and found some real shockers. Like this box of green tea that went out of date the last time my uncle came to visit us, in February 2005.

Or this pair of jolly zoological egg cups- they were in a pair for me and Amber. I can't quite remember who gave us them, but they were a birthday present, probably before we were 13. Mine was the crocodile and Amber's was the cow. 

And this golden gem of a tacky collector's item, an R2D2 egg cup:

At the end, my dear mother Ruthie pie wanted me to take a picture of the finished cupboard all clean and organised with everything back where it's supposed to go: there you have it. A new mug era has begun in the Cooper-Davies household! ...Shame I'm rarely here! 

Today, this is me and Ruthie Pie after having watched Call The Midwife:

See you tomorrow!

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