Wednesday 28 January 2015


Hello Splodgies! 

For the past couple of nights in a row I've had golden fingers. Or at least, golden fingertips. And very dry hands. 

"Why's that?!" I hear you cry?

...well it's because I've been intensively making origami cranes to send for a friend's wedding. My hands are dry because the paper is literally absorbing the moisture from my skin, and I don't want to use any moisturiser on my hands for fear of getting the fancy paper greasy. I'm feeling the time pressure very slightly as I was only able to get the paper on Tuesday, and the wedding is next weekend. At this moment in time, I have made 45. I need to make 70. I'm hoping that if I make at least 15 more tomorrow I can do the rest on Friday morning and send them off before I go to work. 

...And that is why my fingers are gold. I did try super hard to get a picture of the gold on my hands, but no matter what I did, however I edited the photos, whatever filters I used on my iPhone, I simply couldn't get it to show up on the picture. They were really small particles of golden dust, so much much smaller than standard glitter. 

A few people have asked me if there are anymore spooky happenings that I have noticed in my house today. Apart from being eerily quiet, there have been no spooky happenings to report. Sorry to disappoint. 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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