Saturday 31 January 2015

Pretty Landscape Photo Day

Hello dear splodgies!

Firstly, lots of thanks to those who responded to my FB status about finding out if the 00:15 bus exists. It does, I got it home. However, it only exists on a Friday and a Saturday. Whateverrrr.

I don't have much to say right now as I am extremely tired having got up very early this morning after having got in late last night too. However, I do have some more lovely photos to share with you. It seems that if you're in Keswick (or if I'm in Keswick as the case seems) you have alternate few days of really horrible rainy, sleety, snowy, haily weather, and then very cold, very bright days. Strange right? Anyway, today was a beautiful day, so take a look! 

This was on my way to the theatre after work: 

The sun began setting. It was rather dramatic: 

...literally #nofilter. 

Things were a little less dramatic in this picture, but nevertheless very pretty: 

This picture was taken in almost exactly the same spot as a picture I posted last Thursday that attracted a lot of attention on Facebook: 

This picture is from the same spot, but pointing in a different direction:

...I did use a filter for this one.

And today, this is me:

Shame you can't quite see the mountains against the sky- everything is white! 

See you tomorrow!

p.s. Happy February! 

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