Monday 12 January 2015

underappreciated hands

Hello splodgies!

Yesterday, I cut my index finger of my right hand. Today, I cut my middle finger of my left hand.

Now they hurt to use them normally. Which got me thinking that I really take my hands for granted!
They are vital to so much of everything I do every day that I have really come to just... depend upon them.  Sometimes I try using just one hand to do things, to see how well I could cope if I lost one of them. More often than not, I do this using my left hand. Stuff gets a lot harder, and you can feel your brain actually having to process what it's doing rather than running operations on autopilot. 

I dunno, I guess i'm just saying appreciate your hands! Appreciate your whole body! Appreciaaaaate! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

p.s. sorry the last few posts have been really dull. They'll get more interesting soon, I promise :)

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