Thursday 15 January 2015

Weather ninja

Hello Splodgies! 

Those of you who live in the UK will have noticed how incredibly windy it's been. Where I am there have been wind speeds of up to 103mph recorded!! That's why recently whenever I've wanted to go outside, I've had to go out dressed like this: 

Which I feel looks rather alarming. But I have to cover the vast majority of my face because recently my skin has been feeling very much damaged by all the wind. However covering my face and using the hood to keep it there has the following unfortunate consequences:

  1. I look like I'm off to rob a bank.
  2. I can't wear my glasses without them steaming up. 
  3. I felt very silly because nobody else was wrapping their face up. 

However, in reference to point 1, if I was going to rob a bank, I wouldn't wear such a distinctive outfit of clothes (aside from the red storm coat, I was also wearing my bright blue jeans and my beautiful red, white and navy DM shoes). And also it makes me look a little bit like a ninja. As in I am so fast I can dodge all the raindrops. Even though I am thoroughly soaked in this picture. 

In reference to point 2, I think I was almost hit by a car twice today. I figured though that having my glasses on and then having them steam up so I could see a lot less would've been much more unsafe than having some vision loss. Basically some vision is better than none at all!! 

Continuing onto point 3, I often feel silly. But sometimes its quite fun :) So it doesn't matter. 

Today, this is me swinging on my office chair: 

If I didn't know it was me in both of these pictures on today's post, I might have assumed the top one was someone else. I look so weird without my glasses...

See you tomorrow!

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