Friday 23 January 2015

I walked through a cloud.

Hello Splodgies! 

Those of you who were jealous of yesterday's landscape photos may be pleased to know that today I got my comeuppance by having to walk through lots of rain. Still don't feel better about it? Me neither. I got rained on! Thankfully it wasn't windy though. I've come to the conclusion that its the wind that bothers me the most. Rain? Fine with it. Wind? KILL IT WITH FIRE! 

Anyway, this is a super super quick post as its almost midnight and I need to get a train at 6:24am back to Lancaster to spend some time with my super duper budz! Just got time for a cup of tea before I pack my bag ready for the morning. I can't do it in the morning because I'll be stumbling around bumping into things when I wake up at 5.30ish. 

Today, this is me: 

its another one of those "I didn't realise that this picture made it really obvious that I have a lazy eye until I put it on the computer to edit the blogpost" moments. Ah well. No point pretending it doesn't exist! 

See you tomorrow!

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