Sunday 26 October 2014

A List of Things I Think Are Underrated

Hello splodgies!

Today I've been doing some things that I don't often do, but have come to the conclusion that some of them are underrated:

1. the pixar movie A Bug's Life. Alright, it's not technically the most impressive film they've ever made- it was pre-Toy Story 2, in fact. But I still really like it :) Fun fact, Princess Dot is voiced by a pre-pubescent Hayden Panetierre. I find this HILARIOUS.

2.  Getting up and dancing for no reason. I did this whilst on FaceTime earlier. Sorry. But also, not sorry, because it was fun.

3. Carrots. Because they're crunchy and delicious and make a great midnight snack.

4. Making sure your packed lunch is ready so that in the morning you will get that tiny extra bit of time in bed. Trust me, when the wind and rain are howling at your window, its worth it.

5. Making friends with whatever is making the creepy window noise. Because even though its an utterly bizarre sound, you can't help but feel it's one of the idiosyncrasies of your living space, and it should be embraced.

6. Taking the time to flow with your creative juices, rather than expecting inspiration to strike like lightening. Don't get me wrong, sometimes inspiration does strike like this, but you can't force it. If I'm struggling to do something creative (in today's case, make progress on my script) I just ...forget about it. Sometimes I go and watch some TED Talks, and sometimes I play some music or sometimes I just watch an episode of Adventure Time to lull my brain into forgetting that it was trying. Often, it works! 

7. The satisfaction of finding that word you've been looking for to describe something for ages. This happened to me recently. The word was gratuitous. I love that word. 

8. Finally getting rid of your ear worms!! You know ear worms right? Those songs that just get stuck in your head for days or even weeks until you either forget or force them out of your head? well they say that listening to the track in its entirety does the trick, but it doesn't for me- for me I have to sing along with it. 

....And that's all I can think of right now....I'm sure there are more, but this clock turned back business is confusing my brain slightly, so I'm gonna go to sleep. If you think there are some underrated things, let me know in the comments! :D

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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