Wednesday 8 October 2014

Strange Sensations

Good evening/afternoon splodge readers! 

Y'know how somethings don't feel like ANYTHING else? And I don't just mean the literal feel of things, but also the social and emotional feel of things too. 

Like today, I was walking home over all these little things:

And it was strange, because they look so much like wings...! It made me think that it was probably the same thing it felt like to walk over lots and lots of dragonflies. Also on my way home, I accidentally stood on a snail- my mum would generally applaud me for this, even though the snail wasn't anywhere near our garden- but I always feel bad for standing on a snail by accident. I don't feel bad if it was on purpose, because then I had killed the snail for a reason. But if it's an accident I feel awful about it- like the snail had died needlessly, and hadn't been bothering me at all! 

Other sensations are different though, and very specific- like if you blindfolded someone and put a peg on their nose, then got them to plunge their hand into a sack of coffee beans and then a sack of rice, they would feel different! even though their very similar- the way they feel against your skin is subtly unique. The brain really is an incredible sensory organ. 

And then there are those things that you can't explain- like those weird shivers you get and someone says that there is a person walking over your grave; which is an odd expression given that you're not in a grave. Or when you can just tell that you're being watched, even if you can't tell where from or who by. 

Ever felt something weird like that? Got a favourite texture? Let me know in the comments!

Today, this is me, having finally decided it was time to get out my coat and scarf:

...I was wearing my favourite purple leather gloves too, but...obvs you can't see those.

See you tomorrow!

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