Friday 3 October 2014

Perpetually Rainy Day

Hello Splodgies!

Most of today has been fairly laid back. It was another "interns only" day in the office today, or as we have dubbed it "Solo Friday" and so consequently, and perhaps obviously we were less productive than maybe we could have been. After an intense couple of days of training though, its hardly surprising- and we were scheduled to leave earlier than usual too, so we felt justified. Its not as if our day was completely without merit though- we did get some ideas flowing and some research done too.

It has not stopped raining since about 12noon today. I wonder how long it'll take before it stops? The weather is being a bit...well, polarised really! If you read yesterday's blog, you'll see how sunny and brilliant it was, and today it's just rained nearly all day!! 

I'm pretty tired, so instead of writing a proper post (Don't complain! There's been loads of good ones lately! Gimme a break!) I'll put a video or two in for you to enjoy: 

...that video is particularly relevant to my life because I'm planning on making brownies on monday.

and also this: 

Because I've had it stuck in my head for ages. And also, Anna Kendrick. 

I'm gonna go browse Ebay and Amazon for electroacoustic ukuleles while y'all watch those. 

Today, I got rained on on my way home- I wasn't very happy about it! :

See you tomorrow!

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