Thursday 2 October 2014

Autumn is Beautiful: People Are Like Trees.

Hello my dear splodgies!

I don't mention it much on my blog, but when I was living in America, this is what my experience of Autumn was like: 

I'm really pleased with all the pictures I took during Autumn while I was there, because they all look so fancy!! I took all the pictures in this post myself, I'm proud to say! 

 This is Ashley, one of my best friends and my roommate whilst I was living there: 

this picture is called "Shopping For Ashleys" ...I think they have weird shopping trollies in America, but whatever. Ashley's pretty great. HI ASHLEY!! 

I really REALLY love Autumn. Its got its own look and smell; its like if the year was a single day, Autumn would be the evening. When everything is winding down and getting ready for some sleep, but there's still enough light to see that the world is beautiful. 

Here are some pictures of this beautiful autumn that I took today whilst at work: 

What follows is a the vaguely poetic rambling that was my train of thought on my way home today:

People are like trees. 
They grow and flourish and fruit and die. 
They are beautiful, they have personalities, they all give something to the world, even if it is just oxygen, or the imprint they leave on the world around them from having simply existed.
They can be seen from so far, and be held in such familiarity, but sometimes we don't even know their names.
Their roots run deep and their surfaces hide an interior that its unfathomable.
They change and grow.
They grow one way, then another. 
The prime of their life, is not necessarily in their youth- for they are supremely valued in their age. Too many people, women especially, try to hide their age, but they don't see that age is beauty also. 
Trees are at peace, even when they are dead.
They go back to the earth and become a part of it, ready for a nut or seed or acorn. 
People could be acorns, but they try to be trees to soon. Could they be a sapling? or a seed? 
A person could be their most beautiful at the end of their life because they have all their leaves, and every single leaf is a part of them, each a single story in a complex tree. 
And I live in a forest. 
I can't see all the leaves, but I can see all the trees. 

Today, this is me: 

For clarification, I'm wearing a giant piece of lycra tied around my shoulders as a cape. When you work in drama and theatre, this kind of thing makes sense and is a legitimate use of time.

See you tomorrow!


  1. Beautiful thoughts on people and trees--and then goofiness about lycra capes. Most enjoyable blog!

    1. Glad you liked it :) I have a thing for trees, I think...!

  2. Love your poetry about life... more people should look at the world around them with the same attention and sensitivity... we are so lost in our minds we don't see the beauty all around... very nice Rosa! :D
