Sunday 5 October 2014

Uke Updates and Fishy Clothes

Good evening my fine DailySplodge readers! 

So I have some things to tell you following yesterday's post!

Firstly, the new strings are working out beautifully- even though I keep having to retune them, its getting to be less and less frequently that it needs doing (although I'm certain that my housemates are fed up of hearing slightly out of tune renditions of "At Last I See The Light" from the movie Tangled- although having said that one of them was being SUPER noisy today during what I can only assume was a football match) 

Secondly, I feel that I must tell you something- I think I have broken my snarky!! "What is a snarky??" I hear you cry! Well, a snark ukulele tuner- and in my opinion (and, not to brag of anything, but I'm kinda an expert ;) ) its one of the best tuners around for ukuleles that doesn't cost more than the £15 mark- anything else and you're looking at £30. Its really easy to use and very quick to tune up- you can even tune up in the dark and in a massive crowd of people; because you don't need to be able to hear the ukulele to be able to use this tuner- its got a little scale on it, red for flat, yellow for sharp, and a green marker right in the middle for when the pitch is perfect. All you gotta do is know what note you want the string tuned to! You can also get them for guitars and bass guitars. They just clip to the top of the instrument! 

I promise I'm not sponsored by snark. I'm not sponsored by anyone, I just write stuff! Although I think I read in the Ts&Cs (yes, I actually read them sometimes) that after 6 months of continuous use if I have a certain amount of readership I can start making money off this thing? Just from letting google advertise on here. Let me know what you think of that, I know most people use adblockers anyway, including me. 

ANYWAY! where was I? Yes! How my snarky broke- its actually not damaged beyond repair, just that I have no glue- what happened was that it was clipped to the newly restrung tenor uke and leaning up against the curtain- in a half awake/half asleep daze, I closed the curtains forgetting that it was there. The ukulele fell over (it was fine) and it must've hit the floor with the weight of the uke on the tuner- thus cracking the clip. it does still work, but it keeps falling off the uke. I should probably just get some glue tomorrow and fix it :P 

THIRDLY: I didn't tell you this yesterday (I don't think?) but I did my laundry yesterday. Because it was raining so hard, I put my laundry up in the kitchen because that's where the clothes drier is- its one of those ones like I have at home with the 4 slats and the rope and you pull it up to the ceiling. So that would've been all fine, had my housemate not decided to poach some fish that evening... I am now going to be paranoid that I smell fishy until I've worn all those clothes again. It wasn't ALL the clothes I own, but it was the ones I like to wear the most often- and my pyjamas. Sadly he does this every few days, so perhaps a better tactic would be to wash my clothes, if not on a sunny day, on a day after he has poached some fish, so as to allow maximum drying time before the next poaching. Next week I'm probably going to ask Becca at least once "Do I smell like fish?" Which will sound very odd until I explain it. 

Let me know what you think of ads on this blog before they appear without you noticing! Also let me know if you think I smell like fish. Or if you like ukes. Or have any tips on fixing snark tuners. ;)

Today, this is me and the pizza I had for my dinner- because I literally have done nothing more exciting today:

See you tomorrow!

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