Saturday 4 October 2014

My Ukulele Rite Of Passage

Hello Splodgies! 

Today I have been indoors most of the day... in fact all day. For yesterday's rain had not abated until the afternoon, by which time I had got onto my main challenge of the day- Restringing my tenor ukulele:

For quite some time now, I've been meaning to at least replace the A string, as it was getting worn out between the 2nd and 3rd frets. And then I thought "I've got a set, maybe I should change them all" And after putting it out on facebook to see if anyone had any ideas, it was generally agreed that I should completely restring my ukulele. This felt like something of a rite of passage for my ukulele- as it was the first time I had restrung this particular ukulele (the first time I ever restrung a ukulele was when I restrung Little Blue, who is currently in the care of the lovely Sarah), and as it was only the second time I'd restrung a ukulele and the second ukulele I'd ever owned (the third being my Lanikai Soprano and the fourth being my Ohana Baritone- which I did snap a string of the day I got it, but my Dad restrung the one I broke) it felt a bit like this was a little...bonding exercise for my ukulele and me!

Anyway, once I'd got all the strings on, I spent most of the day...retuning and retuning and retuning. Its been perhaps 2 hours since I last tuned it so I'd better go and do it again! I've only left it so long because I've been on skype with Fran and Jen for ages... poor ukuleles are probably feeling forgotten! 

Today, this is me, wondering why I hadn't taken today's photo earlier....: 

See you tomorrow!


  1. Ahahahah you are putting me and Jen in a bad light with your ukalele!!! Don't do that!! lol

    1. the only person my uke will be mad at is me! For being neglectful :P Although I played it and retuned it lots today! He should be feeling loved <3 getting a new set of strings is like getting a new haircut for a ukulele- it just takes some getting used to!
