Thursday 9 October 2014

The Vandal's Downfall

Hello Splodgies!

The other day whilst walking around a stationary shop because I needed to buy some ink cartridges for my pen and some of those page marker tab post-it note thingies, I was finding the need to wander aimlessly around the shop until I could find a member of staff who could serve me at the counter. I would've called out, but I was wearing my big red headphones so I wouldn't have heard any response, and I didn't want to take them off because I'd just reached a dramatic climax in the podcast I was listening to.

During my aimless wandering, I came across a stand full of crafty bits and pieces of the kind that nursery school and primary school teachers find themselves pulling out of their hair and the soles of their shoes for days after someone has insisted that they do a craft activity at school- even if that person was themselves. On this stand, I saw a packet of googly eyes. 

I was instantly reminded of all those pictures I'd seen of things that look hilarious when you attach googly eyes to them. And I thought to myself "Now there's a harmless piece of easily removed vandalism that will bring joy to many- I'd like in on that" so I took a pack off the rack and marched up to the counter where a dim-looking store assistant processed my purchase and offered me a massive plastic bag for purchases, the cumulative size of which came to less than that of a tennis ball. I refused the bag and put the other purchases in my backpack and the googly eyes in my coat pocket, hoping for the opportunity to hilarify something on my way home. Alas there was no such target on this particular journey and the eyes remained in the pocket. 

When I went to work this morning, I had a fairly interesting morning and then not long before lunch I remembered that I had the googly eyes still in my pocket and decided to do this to the phone next to my desk: 

However- this task, proved to be more difficult than I had expected, for these were not, as I had assumed, self-adhesive googly eyes. They just had a laminated plastic back. And I mean, for heaven's sake, who has googly eyes and doesn't want them to stick to something?? And I wasn't just being weird about not being able to get the sticky back off, Becca had a try at it too, and it was agreed that they weren't going to stick to anything without some help. Which is why these are stuck to the phone with blue tack.

...but as my original dreams of public googly vandalism were now impossible, the googly eyes themselves had proved to be this vandal's very downfall. For who carries glue with them on the off chance they might spot something funny to stick some googly eyes to? ...not many people I'm guessing. And even if those people do exist, I can solemnly say that I am not one of them. 

On the way to the bus station, Becca and I discussed the various merits of using No More Nails glue to stick googly eyes to things. On the whole it provided a good solution as it was unlikely to stop sticking and the eyes wouldn't simply fall off. But it would also mean having to carry around no more nails. So...yeah, a bit inconvenient. I might take them back to the shop and see if I can get them changed if they have the sticky ones. I'll keep you posted.

In the mean time, if you have any suggestions for things you would like me to vandalise with googly eyes for the good of common chuckling amongst humans, let me know in the comments below! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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