Sunday 12 October 2014

How deep is a lake?

Hello splodgies!!

Many thanks for all your messages of support yesterday!

Other things that happened yesterday included me having an utterly awesome day at work, having expected a complete deluge durum the day and having a wonderful day in the sunshine! It's actually for something that is technically a secret project. But I can tell you that it's on an island in the middle of a lake in the dark. And it's on Halloween. So that shoul give you a clue as to what we were all up to.  The picture above wasn't taken by me, but it IS the actual island that I was actually on. 

On the way home it was a rather picturesque scene across Braithwaite, with the mountain in the other side reflected in the strangely still and glassy surface. It got me thinking- how deep is that lake, anyway?! because a reflection of the mountain fits in there pretty nicely- how do I know that a whole mountain wouldn't fit in the lake?? How deep is it? And who checked?? How do we know that there aren't eerie weird creatures at the bottom? I'd quite like to go down there and have a look if I was so terrified of becoming an ice block- because I'm sure I would become an ice block even if I was going down there in July.

There can't be that many people that can say they've been to the depths of the Lake District-which is something that I think would be quite impressive!!

So does anybody fancy sponsoring me to find a mini submarine, train me to use it, then transport it to some location in the Lake Districy where I could go deep-lake-diving? Great! I'll set up a KickStarter. 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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