Saturday 18 October 2014

Half My Day In Pictures

Hello there Splodgekins!

Today, I had coffee

With these two lemons: 

And then also with my dear Bernadette when she turned up in between buses.  

When I came home, I saw that my avocado seed had grown significantly since the last time I'd been home:

And the roots looked proper funky when I took the plant out to change the green water for new water: 

I'm going to a soiree this evening, so I decided to make some flapjack. It started off life a little bit like this: 

But in the end, it looked like this: 

And I'll take it to the soiree with me!! Hopefully it'll prove to be a good nibble for everyone :) 

Today, this is me sat in the coffee shop with my two fruitloop parents: 

See you tomorrow!

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