Wednesday 22 October 2014


Hello Splodgies!! 

I don't really have much to write about today, as I've been a bit busy this evening with some volunteering (I'll go into that another time), which means after having had my dinner and everything I've left it rather late to be writing my blog for today. So for now I'm going to talk a little bit about "Treasures" as that will be the theme in the workshop I'm taking in part in tomorrow. This post might be a bit short...

I think there is a lot to be said for the wide range of bases that the word "treasure" (and derivatives such as "treasured" or "treasuring" among others) Because it can mean both a noun and a verb- that is, you treasure something, and whatever you are treasuring, becomes a treasure. Less complicated than it sounds.

But I think that what a person considers a treasure probably reveals a lot about what kind of a person they are- I think that gold and jewels of the kind found in Aladdin's cave can be considered some sort of universally agreed treasure- it has value and it is worth something, and that worth can be translated into any currency that bears monetary value.

But what interests me more are the treasures that are more... idiosyncratic, lets say. The things that people keep as mementos or tokens of bits of their lives. Under my bed at home (at home home, not the place I live while I'm working) I have a big shoebox labelled "Stuff that is very important to me" and under that "Private, keep out". Its the box that once had my green Doc Marten boots in it.  Inside are all sorts of things. Mostly letters from various people in my life, cards I've been sent on my birthday. There's a painted bottle in there given to me by a friend shortly before I left to go to America. There's a rolo in there- its old and probably inedible now, but I kept it from maybe 6 or 7 years ago when someone very important to me decided that they wanted to give me their last rolo. There are tickets from all the theatre shows and films I've been to see since somewhere in the middle of 2008. There are invitations to parties, some of which have been the best nights of my life. There are tokens from the first x y and z that I did/happened to me. Photos of times when I was so young, I couldn't remember them, from all bits of my life; but I look back at all these things and I think- y'know what? It's been pretty alright, this life of mine. 

All these things are my treasures. Things that I treasure. When I decided that's where I'd keep the box, I thought that if I had to wake up and escape from a fire in my house, all the things that were so important to me would be right there and I could get them out really easily. 

...Fortunately I am less paranoid about house fires now. Wow that post was longer than I was expecting. Guess you just caught me on a ramble! 

What about you? What sorts of things do you treasure? Do you have a collection of things in a box? Or maybe they're on display somewhere where you can look at them all the time? Let me know in the comments! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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