Monday 13 October 2014

A Slight Conundrum

Hello Splodgaroos! 

So today I had another day off because I'd been working on Saturday. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, I decided that I'd like to sleep in a bit. 

It was all going swimmingly until I was awoken by the sound of something very heavy being dragged up the stairs directly behind the wall where my head was. I think it can generally be agreed that the sound of banging and drills did not improve my lie in. It was about 8.30 when I first woke up and I thought "ah... I don't need to get up yet, I can just sleep until I feel like getting up, because today is mine" (although, as per usual I spent a great deal of time thinking about what I'm going to be doing at work tomorrow, partly because its so interesting and partly because I love my job so much)

So I fell asleep again, and was woken by all this noise!! But it was, by this time, embarrassingly late to be still asleep considering that everyone else was out at work by this point. I was wondering how long it would take before the landlord and the plumber would leave (they were fitting a new shower in the bathroom on the floor above mine) but after waiting nearly an hour, they still hadn't gone. By this time it was about 11.30 and I was starting to get seriously hungry. 

... I went to facebook for help and a number of my friends provided me with helpful escape tips, some of which I used. I was surprised that I managed to go downstairs, and put my laundry in the washer and creep out of the house and go to the co-op for bread and biscuits and ginger tea bags. And then I managed to get back in the house and make beans on toast before I was finally discovered. The conversation went something like this:

Landlord: Oh, hello. I didn't realise you were here

Me: Yep. Morning- um..just about 

(it was nearly 12) 

Landlord: Are you not at work today then?

Me: Apparently not.

Landlord: How come?

Me: I worked on Saturday.

-plumber comes in-

Me: Hello. Do you need me to move my things?

-plumber nearly whacks head on lowered washing rack-

Plumber: No, its fine.

Landlord: Did the new housemate get moved in ok?

Me: Yep.

Landlord: You got her keys to her ok and everything?

Me: Yep. 

-an awkward silence-

Landlord: OK, well we'll just get on with it then. wasn't as embarrassing as I thought, being caught eating baked beans at an odd time. But it was very awkward trying to justify why I was doing it. 

In other news, I've successfully returned my far too big jeans, posted my letter to Bernadette and bought a new screen protector for my phone! How productive of me.

...I have also just been embroiled in a mystery FaceTime incident...! If it was who I think it was, then it is tres interesting, but it wouldn't connect! 

Today, this is me, relieved after my conversation with the landlord and plumber:

See you tomorrow!

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