Monday 20 October 2014

Time To Head Back

Hello Splodgies!

Sorry this post is appearing rather late- I've been out! 

This afternoon I was supposed to buy some new jeans, but it was really horrible out, so I decided not to bother. 

I had my dinner at the pub (spicy soup!) with Anna and then I came home. To my annoyance, my clothes had not yet dried, so I decided to put them into the tumble drier. 

The problem with doing this is that I often forget about my clothes and get hijacked into doing something else- in today's case, watching tv and chatting to my parents, as I'm not going to see my dad again until the next time I come home, which is likely to be at christmas. And I forgot all about my clothes until about five minutes ago, when the drier had finished ages ago and I got them out and they were dry, but cold and wrinkly. So they'll just have to go in my suitcase like that!! 

And speaking of suitcases, it is time for my little trip back home to come to an end. In a way, I'm glad to be going back, but I'm still sad to leave my friends and family behind, especially due to my complete lack of friends in Workington (which is arguably my own fault as I've not made a huge amount of effort to make friends there yet- largely because Workington is not an especially inspiring place in which to form friendships); but in another way I will be glad to get back to my job because it makes me feel like a useful human being, and I love it so much! 

Today, this is me enjoying a drink in the pub: 

See you tomorrow!

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