Saturday 25 October 2014

The Noise

Hey Splodgies

Sorry this is so late! I've been in my pyjamas all day and I have not one jot of regret. 

Today my blogpost is about the strange noise that I can here in my room. I've heard it before, but I'm still not sure where its coming from.

at the moment I'm thinking its probably coming from the window but I can't be sure. It sounds like a cross between a person badly playing two, out of tune accordions and a llama having an athsma attack. It might be pipes though. But it might also be a draught. But it might also be a poltergeist. 

It sounds like the disappointed sigh of a cave with two dragons in it

It sounds like when children have suffered a mild disappointment

Its the sound of someone who's fallen asleep with a kazoo half in their mouth

Its like when two people are asked a difficult question at the same time and they both go "uhhh" in sync.

Its like the sound of a monster sneezing but trying to cover up the fact that they've sneezed.

I've heard it before and I've been unable to locate it the last few times I've heard it. Someone I was chatting with suggested it might be the wind, so I got up to have a look and there was still a sound, but a mysterious lack of windy related activity to be seen outside my window. 

Anybody got any ideas of what it might be?? Let me know in the comments! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow/later today!

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea... but you look glowy and happy and rested, so I am guessing you should have more of those pijama days :D
