Thursday 23 October 2014

An Excellent, Yet Exhausting Day

Hello Splodgies!!

Last night I was blogging rather later than I had intended to be doing, and as a result was something of a zombie in the morning when I had to get the bus.

Normally when we get an early bus in, its because the next bus to come in is too late for us, so we go and have breakfast together in a nearby cafe. Today, I walked in and almost instantly, the girl behind the counter said "Oh dear... would you like a coffee? Large?" to which I replied "Yes. Yes I would" in probably the most exhausted voice I have ever heard leave my mouth, quickly followed by "Andatoastedteacake"- I write it like this because it probably sounded all like one word to the poor woman. After we told her we'd be coming in early every day next week, so she'd probably see a lot of us, she said "Ok, well then I'd better tell you my name. I'm Tasha." So we called her Teacake Tasha. 

Another member of staff (who was far too chirpy for this time of day, even by my standards) came over and asked if I had a violin in my case- I didn't. I told him it was a tenor ukulele- we explained what we were doing and why etc, and we proceeded to have a very pleasant conversation about busking in the local area; he reckons you can make £20 an hour "twice as much, as you're a girl" (Cheeky! Meant perfectly innocently though) and then he told us about the best busking spots in town. I think I might apply for a busker's licence! During the course of our breakfast, we also saw him calling after another customer who he'd accidentally shortchanged, and righted this mistake. For this reason, we called him Nice Mark. We did know his name was Mark, because we asked him. We weren't just making up people's names. Although sometimes I do that in my head and assign people names if I see them regularly but never speak to them. But maybe that's just me....? this is the point at which you, reader, will reassure me in the comment section below!

Our Treasures workshops went very well too! 

Today, this is me with Becca, my fellow intern:

Becca said "I look a right state" and I said "So do I, and we're united. We can be the United States of Keswick" Ladies and gents, the US of K. 

See you tomorrow!

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