Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Dreaded 555

Hello there Splodgeyreaderfolk! 

Today, moreover, this evening, I have been packing. For tomorrow, I am to take the dreaded 555 bus from Keswick and ride it for almost its ENTIRE possible course all the way to Lancaster. 

...I'm not entirely sure why I have developed this ominous feeling about the 555, but I think it is probably a problem born in Lancaster. Whenever anyone mentions it, they do that thing that plumbers or electricians or mechanics do of sucking their teeth, shaking there heads and saying something vague. Seldom seen, and the reminder that it is going a very long way for a bus, the 555 is a symbol of all that could go wrong with public transport. For example.

1. It could be really cold. And if your bus is going to take around about 3 hours, this isn't an attractive prospect.

2. Its going a long a LOT of country roads. This could lead to all sorts of conundrums such as getting stuck in mud, and all the passengers having to get out and push the bus; or hitting a sheep and having to stop until a vet or a farmer or someone can come and take the sheep away- this situation would be even worse if it were a cow or a horse, because at least a sheep is easily moved by people who don't have any kind of zoological training. Though having a GCSE in rural and agricultural science (grade B, in case you were wondering) I'd gladly step up to the plate and shift that sheep outta the road! 

3. If you get stuck on the bus with someone overly chatty, or very smelly you're faced with the prospect of potentially being stuck with them for a horrendously long time. You have no idea when they're going to get off, so you have no idea whether or not you should move. Then you wait it out til halfway through your journey, realise that if you were to move now, you would've already spent the majority of your journey near the smelly or chatty person, so you might as well stick it out to the bitter end now.

4. They claim that the route is "scenic" this means- goes through a lot of countryside. This means windy roads. This means travel sickness. This means every time you view the beauty of the lake district, you are reminded of how you felt so disgusting on that bus that one time.  

....I'll let you all know how it all goes of course! What are some of your worst journey nightmares? Let me know in the comments!! 

Today, this is me having eaten the sun. Literally :

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Okay I took a bus that went from the very bottom of New Zealand to the very top of the south island... for hours it was travelling litterally in the middle of nowhere and you would even have enough time to forget about civilization :) the BEST bus ride of my life.... you'll be okay ;)
