Sunday 19 October 2014

Watch this space- back in 24 hours.

Hello my dear splodgies!

I hope you are all well :) Most of today's activities have involved donating ketchup, sleeping and catching up on tv that I've missed over the past few days and then rearranging the things I was supposed to do and people I was supposed to meet today for tomorrow... which is when I will have something more interesting to say for tomorrow I have some plans of interest which I will carry out a thorough blogging of as soon as I can. 

Sorry this has been so short, but to make up for it, I'll put some funny videos in:

I chose the goat video because, lets face it, the fainting goats are hilarious. The other day at dinner time my brother and I discovered that our parents knew nothing about them. I whipped out my phone and quickly educated them on the subject, and there was much dinner time merriment. 

I chose this video because (a) I love CommunityChannel videos and (b) When I first started wearing glasses, I used to get a lot of this.

Today, this is me, very ready to go back to sleep:

See you tomorrow!

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