Tuesday 28 October 2014

Shoe Freak Out

Hey Splodgies! 

So recently my shoes have been looking a bit like this: 

...except in red. Because my converses are red. And as its getting to be wet and windy in the world, its high time I got myself a new pair of shoes. I loathe shoe shopping, and would do almost anything to avoid it. In fact any kind of clothes shopping, I'd try to avoid. But I was recently sent some money specifically for the purchasing of shoes (thanks, Nana, you're the best!) and I did think I could go back to the old standby of just buying another pair of converses in a different colour, but waaay in the back of my mind I heard my mum saying "...what about some Docs?" so I thought as I have doc boots, but not doc shoes, I'd take a look at their website. I scrolled through a few pages of very very nice boots and shoes that were all in the region of £150 and it took me a little while before I noticed the "Sale" Tab. In there, I found these shoes: 

....Never in my life have I coveted footwear so much. Never have I freaked out so much over shoes. It seems so stereotypical of a woman, but I promise this is the first time in 23 years that this has happened to me. And its not as if they are stilettos, or shoes that I will only ever wear once. Not that there's anything wrong with desperately wanting a pair of shoes you don't necessarily need, or aren't necessarily practical; just that having this reaction to shoes is a hitherto, unheard of behaviour in me. 

...so I was utterly devastated to find that the website only had sizes 8 and 9 in stock. I'm usually a 5. And after whining to my father about this over facebook, he reminded me that there were other places that might stock these shoes in the right size. I'm still on that mish, but the closest I have found so far are a 4. 

...the next step in my mission is to go to the next town over when I have the morning off on Friday and try on a pair of size 4 Doc Marten shoes to see if they fit. The size 4 pair I found are virtually secured, as I contacted the person selling them and they told me that if that pair are sold before I find out, he can source another pair that size if I find that the 4s do fit me. And they're a unisex shoe, so the sizes are slightly different to normal. On top of that, my size 5 Doc Marten green boots are very slightly too large. So there is hope. There is hope, people. 

I remember having worn this style of shoe (albeit a much less heavy duty version, and brown and green rather than red, white and navy/black) in a show I was in once and having been surprised at how much I liked them then. And being disappointed that the wardrobe department wouldn't allow me to buy the shoes from them, despite being the only person to have ever fitted those shoes owing to my super narrow feet. 

I'll keep you updated on what happens with the shoes folks! But yeah. Have you ever gone crazy over a very particular pair of shoes? Let me know in the comments! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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