Friday 10 October 2014

Llamas In The Lake District

Hello Reader Chums! 

Basically I'm gonna talk about my commute again. I know you're probably tired of hearing about how great it is, but today something different happened.

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of it to show you because it was raining really hard and the windows of the bus were quite steamy. Basically the bus mysteriously went a different route to normal, leading to me seeing some things I thought were rather unusual.

....llamas. Lots of them. Just... standing around in a field. Not quite as scenic as this might suggest, but very strange, nevertheless. Which is a brilliant word. 

Some other very odd, borderline alarming things that happened were that we crossed a bridge that only just seemed wide enough for the bus to cross it, and we were going at some definitely alarming speeds around some corners. Which is odd for a bus. I was starting to feel worried that I'd got on the wrong bus, Even though it said "X4 Keswick for Penrith" on it when I got on the bus- and yet outside I could see some of the same scenery as usual... but from the other side. I'm not sure if I'm right or not, but I think the bus went round the other side of the lake... which is really going to piss off the people who normally catch the bus as it goes around on it's normal route. But then thinking about it, I have absolutely no idea why it would've gone round a different way to normal- it had rained a lot the past 24 hours so the roads might have been flooded, but there hadn't been any weather warnings, and on the way back the bus went on the normal route and there was no sign of flooding on the road. Weird, right?? In fact there wasn't any water, but there was a thick, static, white smoke drifting from a chimney across the road from someone's house. It was the strangest smoke I'd ever seen- it didn't seem to move at all- it just....hung there. It looked like it was trapped in glass or something- or like when they put coloured glass inside a marble. It was utterly bizarre! 

p.s. I called this post Llamas in the Lake district in honour/mockery of those Animal Ark books, of which I always liked the titles and cover illustrations as a young girl, but only ever owned one "puppy in the pantry" or something like that. It was about a border collie puppy that was born deaf. I can't really remember but I'm pretty sure that all those books were the same "Oh no! An abandon/sick animal! lets take it to my long-suffering veterinarian parents and give it vital resources that they can't really afford the time or money to treat without someone footing the bill" And I distinctly remember that they had a black Labrador called blackie, but when they made a TV series out of the books on CITV, they had a golden retriever...and still called it blackie. I mean- whaaaat?? 

Today, this is me on my triumphant walk to the bus station, having completed the tedious and previously impossible task of phoning the council to find out why they've not been providing us with recycling bags- Spoiler alert, they're going to send us some: 

See you tomorrow!

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