Monday 6 October 2014

Don't Rain On My Parade!

Hello there Splodgies!! 

...I had lots of plans for today. Some of them, the ones I was planning on enjoying the most, involved going outside. Its only 12.30, but I feel like I might not be able to return my ridiculously over sized jeans (I accidental ordered them 2 sizes too big- the difference one click can make!) or have a little jolly to Cockermouth to have a potter about as I've still got a day left on my week ticket... Though its looking like it might be clearing up....! I'll keep you posted! in the end, I DID get out and to Cockermouth! I had a bit of a ponder around and things, but as the ground was wet from the copious amounts of rain that had fallen in the past 48 hours, 

However, when I wanted to get back on the bus to come back here, a number of things occurred. Firstly, I missed the bus by a few minutes. I was mildly irritated, but it wasn't cold or windy or raining, so I didn't mind waiting around for the next one. Secondly, there were a number of YOUTHS. Having just got out of school. Unfazed by this I waited around patiently. But when the bus pulled up it was already quite full! And I let most of the young scallywags go on ahead before me. Big mistake. There wasn't enough space for everyone, and I (and about 6 other school kids) got left behind! By this point, I was thoroughly irritated, given that some of them had had food technology that day and were carrying around bags of flour and throwing it at each other- I was wearing black jeans. NEW black jeans. This was a deadly situation. 

In my one act of defiance, I posed a nearby giant playmobil jockey (there just happened to be one nearby, that's what the crazy north is like) so that it would be hailing the bus for me! It looked like this:

....I thought for a plastic impression of a human, with minimal possibilities for posing, it went rather well. 

...oh yeah and I also made brownies at 10.15pm. Just because I could. 

Today, this is me enjoying a cup of coffee at breakfast time:

See you tomorrow!

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